Conrad Black und David Person-Info 

( Ich bin Conrad Black)
(1 - 6 von 10
) News Digest: Latent Racism

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonWith his new anti-"green card" slogan, the challenger in the race to head the government of the important state of North Rhine Westphalia unleashes a storm of criticism. Also: Germany's high tech stocks are taking a beating, too. News Digest: Sacrifice and Renewal

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David HudsonTwo favorites of Joschka Fischer announce their intentions to revitalize the Greens while the CDU's Wolfgang Schäuble quietly stages a comeback. Also, Anglo-German relations: at an all-time low or "never better"? News Digest: Capital Culture

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - By David Hudsonhe surprise resignation of Christa Thoben, Berlin's Senator for Culture, a mere four months after taking office highlights the dire financial crisis in the capital's cultural budget. Also: The "marriage of e-Europe and 'social' Europe." 

Video: Conrad Black on criticisms of his book's portrayal of...
Free Press editorial writer David O'Brien questioned Conrad Black's treatment of indigenous civiliza...