Constantin Ivan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Constantin Ivan)


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Ploieşti: Constantin Ivan este notar public de aproape două decenii |...
Este printre cei mai vechi si mai renumiti notari publici din Ploiesti. De aproape 20 de ani, desfasoara un serviciu de interes public si este totodata ...

Guardian: Romanians tell Britain: we don't want to come to your country anyway...

UK holds 'no attraction' for workers facing restrictions planned by John Reid - they would rather go to Spain or Italy.

Constantin Ivan in München, Bayern
Constantin Ivan in München, Bayern open hours, menu, telephone number, cuisine, map and directions.

Regional Cooperation Council | RCC to host first meeting of key...
RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic (right) and Head of RCC Justice and Home Affairs Unit Virgil Constantin Ivan Cucu (left) at the first meeting of key Southeast Europe initiatives and international partners on justice and home affairs issues, Sarajevo, 15 September
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