Cristina Eréndira García Person-Info 

( Ich bin Cristina Eréndira García)


(1 - 4 von 16

Cristina Garcia: Fidel Castro, the promise and the betrayal - CNN
The beacon that the Cuban Revolution once represented to the world became a grimy night light, with the Cuban people openly detesting the once sacred Fidel himself and his interminable gerontocracy, writer Cristina Garcia says.

Guardian: Cristina Garcia | The Guardian

Cuba has always been a fantasy. Can it ever be something close to normal? Cristina García: US foreign policy may no longer be frozen in time, but on both shores of this failed experiment, the healing has just begun. Published: 17 Dec Cuba has always been a fantasy. Can it ever be something close to normal?

Confronting History's Demons: Cristina García's New Novel, 'Here in...
'Here in Berlin' is acclaimed author Cristina García's most striking novel to date, following a Cuban American woman's journey to Berlin and our history's painful past.

FOCUS: „En agosto nos vemos“: Ein letzter Roman von Gabriel García Márquez?...

Das letzte Werk des Schriftstellers und Literaturnobelpreisträgers Gabriel García Márquez wird möglicherweise posthum veröffentlicht.
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