Cristina Marcos Person-Info 

( Ich bin Cristina Marcos)


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Google News: Truckers highlight need for increase in infrastructure spending

[The Hill (blog)] - By Cristina Marcos :46 PM ET A jump in the freight transported by trucks is a sign pointing to a need for increased spending on infrastructure, the American Trucking Association argues. The US freight economy is projected to grow in the

Google News: It's “inevitable” that Facebook will go public, COO says

[The Hill (blog)] - By Cristina Marcos :35 PM ET A public offering for Facebook is "inevitable," Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg said Thursday. On the same day that LinkedIn, a professional networking site, began trading its shares on the New

Google News: Los ediles de IA en Barakaldo piden a quienes les votaron en que voten el ...

[Qué.es] - Los concejales de la izquierda abertzale en el Ayuntamiento de Barakaldo (Bizkaia), Txiki Castaños, Cristina Marcos e Ixabel Villares, han pedido a todas las personas que votaron a ANV en que el próximo domingo den su voto a Bildu, "porque es la

The Week Ahead: Middle East policy
[The Hill] - By Cristina Marcos :00 AM ET President Obama will focus on the country's role in the Middle East with visits from King Abdullah of Jordan on Tuesday and Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday. He will also deliver
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