Cristina Saralegui Person-Info 

( Ich bin Cristina Saralegui)


(1 - 4 von 60
) Shifting US Demographics Influence Electoral Strategies - DER SPIEGEL

The United States, traditionally a land of immigrants, is on the verge of historic change, with non-Caucasian Americans poised to become the majority in the...

Cristina Saralegui en Cala - CNN Video
▶ 14:22La reconocida conductora cuenta las historias detrás del Show de Cristina, y su vida como madre y abuela.

Muere el hermano de Cristina Saralegui
La conductora comunicó la noticia a través de un sentido mensaje en Instagram

Another talk-show queen calls it quits - The Denver Post
Aug 26, — Cristina Saralegui, one of Spanish-language media's most powerful women, ... The Denver Post is a nine-time Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper ... › › another-tal...
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