Daiana García Person-Info 

( Ich bin Daiana García)


(1 - 4 von 7

Ojalá [hoffentlich] | Fiesta musical en La Habana: Musikfest in...

Das Kammerorchester Havanna unter der Leitung von Daiana García und andere hervorragende Instrumentalisten unter der Leitung vom Meister Aldo López ...

Festival Napa Valley's Taste of Cuba - Classical KDFC

His wife, conductor Daiana Garcia is Music Director for the Havana Chamber Orchestra, which will also be performing during the festival.

Black Cotton Club Jam Session: Women's Edition [ ]

This edition is dedicated to celebrating Women LIVE BAND DOPE ARTIST BEAUTIFUL COMMUNITY FEATURING: Theresa Sophia Queen Radical Black...

MusicalAmerica - Press Releases

Musical America is the web's leading business source for the performing arts. Find the latest industry news, careers and contacts at MusicalAmerica.com!
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Person "García" (1)
Vorname "Daiana" (252)
Name "García" (5289)
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