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Church building request rejected

[Queens Chronicle] - Todd Dale, an attorney representing the Bethany House of Worship, told board members the proposed church would be square feet.

Dessert: Obama finds a villain of unusual hue in Boehner

[Scripps News] - By DALE McFEATTERS, Scripps Howard News Service The Obama White House is badly in need of a villain. It needs someone to rail against.

Overseas interest in Langley Dale

[Marlborough Express] - He would not comment on how many people he had shown through the Wairau Valley house, other than to say it had been "a lot". No offers had been made but he

Google News: A home of second chances: Dale House gives struggling youths skills for life ...

[Colorado Springs Gazette] - Each clipping mentions someone who once stayed with Sheffer in what began as an idea to help troubled kids and evolved into today's Dale House Project — a
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