Damian Zoppo und Educators Alumni Person-Info 

( Ich bin Damian Zoppo)
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August, Pardes Educators Alumni Support Project

— Damian Zoppo (Cohort 5) participated in the The Jewish Peoplehood Project for Teachers at Beit Hatfusot Museum, Tel Aviv, Israel this summer ... › au...

March, Pardes Educators Alumni Support Project

— Damian Zoppo (Cohort 5) and Tammy, on the birth of a daughter, Nataly Elaine. Miriam-Simma Walfish (Cohort 6) and Michael Rosenberg on the — Damian Zoppo (Cohort 5) participated in the The Jewish Peoplehood Project for Teachers at Beit Hatfusot Museum, Tel Aviv, Israel this summer ... › ma... › au...