Dan Gibbens und University Of Oklahoma Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dan Gibbens)
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Just when the NCAA thought it had reached an UPI Archives

Just when the NCAA thought it had reached an apparent truce with the College Football Association, the University of Oklahoma started a rebellion that may...

Booster in Okla. Grid Scandal Called a Felon - Los Angeles Times

The University of Oklahoma booster who was banned from associating with the school's football program in the wake of a three-year NCAA probation is a convicted...

University of Oklahoma officials say they will appeal an UPI ...

Dan Gibbens, OU's faculty athletics representative, would not discuss the reasons for the NCAA ruling, but said Monday both an NCAA committee and ... ›

University of Oklahoma Athletics

NORMAN — University of Oklahoma football defensive back Pat Fields has been named one of six finalists for the 12th Annual Pop Warner College Football Awar...
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