Daniel Colin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Daniel Colin)


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Sportplatz in Herscheid ein echter Hingucker

[Derwesten.de] - „Cool“, strahlten Daniel, Colin und Nico, die als erste Kinder bei der CDU-Ortsbesichtigung am Donnerstag den neuen Kunstrasen aus nächster Nähe begucken und auch betreten durften. „Wir liegen gut in der Zeit“, erklärte Lothar Weber vom Gemeindebauamt.

Caerphilly man, Daniel Colin Clemo, died at Cantref reservoir in...

THE man who died at a South Wales reservoir has been named as Caerphilly man Daniel Colin Clemo.

Trump's presidential victory sparks protests and vigils across the...

Protesters angry about Trump’s stunning presidential election victory Tuesday are taking to the streets around the country Wednesday, with students walking out...

The Canadians honoured for their bravery and service in The...

A full list of those who received honours for bravery, meritorious service, police and military service
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