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Spiegel.de: Cathedral of the Pines von Gregory Crewdson: Schön schaurig - DER...

Fotos fast wie Gemälde: Der Fotograf Gregory Crewdson zeigt Menschen, die im Alltag ihren Gedanken nachhängen. Ein Blick in seelische Abgründe.

Study: Selenium not effective against lung cancer - CNN.com

Contrary to previous research, the supplement selenium does not reduce the risk of developing lung cancer, a new study shows.

Global warming, habitat conversion curb biodiversity, encouraging...

Nature is becoming homogenized, researchers at the University of California, Davis, claim in a new study.

This cabin is actually on a New York City rooftop

This isn't the city's only rooftop cabin. Curbed also notes two other hidden escapes, which don't appear to be listed currently. One, at 203 E. 13th St., has exposed brick, four fireplaces and 795 square feet of outdoor space. Another, at 719 Greenwich St., has a porch and lawn. Daniel Karp and Ariel Dagan ...
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