Daniel Loncar Person-Info 

( Ich bin Daniel Loncar)


(1 - 4 von 5

Lookback: Tug 'Pal' and three crew meet a fiery fate in Lake Michigan...

Its 95-horsepower gasoline engine chugging contentedly, the “Pal” was last seen headed out into Lake Michigan at 10 a.m. on Saturday to retrieve...

Hand Sanitizer - ArcGIS StoryMaps

Daniel Loncar. October 10, Introduction. I am going analyze the commodity known as sanitizer or hand sanitizer. I will research and describe how this ... › stories


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85 mit der Hochschulreife - Nürtinger Zeitung

Für sehr gute Leistungen mit einem Preis ausgezeichnet wurden: Philipp Leypoldt, Pascal Stephan, Christian Seyfried, Alessa Mutschler, Amelie Seemaier, Daniel Loncar, Alexander Gras, Christina Maria Hollnaicher, Lisa Wölffing und Katharina Weber.
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