Daniel Sage Person-Info 

( Ich bin Daniel Sage)


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Emma Watson vergötterte Tom Felton

[LooMee TV (Blog)] - Aber wer am schlimmsten in sie verliebt ist – ich oder Daniel – das sage ich lieber nicht.” Aber so wie's aussieht, hatten weder Rupert noch Kollege Daniel

Google News: School notes

[Fairfaxtimes.com] - The team -- composed of cadets Michael Fletcher, Amanda Harrison, Jacob Sage and Daniel Stevenson -- previously competed against students around the world

Dees, Eagles cruise along

[Roxburgh Park, Craigieburn Star] - Best for Mernda were Luke Thorneycroft who kicked four majors, playing coach Hayden Lamaro with three goals and Daniel Sage also slotted three.

Oakmont Regional

[Worcester Telegram] Sean Matthew McGuirl, Daniel Richard Murphy, Shawn Patrick Murray Raimon, Lleia Kyle O'Meara*, Sean Patrick O'Toole, John Wheiler Palazzi, Hannah Sage
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