Daniele Zuddas Person-Info 

( Ich bin Daniele Zuddas)


Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi

Valeriy Yakhin. Novossibirsk, Russia. Seokbeom Yoon. Seoul National University. Daniele Zuddas. Trieste, Italy. []. › participants

Past Seminars, Mathematical Analysis, Modelling, and ...

Daniele Zuddas (UNITS). How to realize all compact topological 4-manifolds by a finite amount of data. Tuesday, February 4, :00. Room: A › news

Int. Tournament Grand Prix Campania Cadets Nocera Inferiore, Event,...

Find the judo results of the Int. Tournament Grand Prix Campania Cadets Nocera Inferiore in Italy in We offer the medal table and for major events all...

Strutture complesse non Kähleriane su R^4 – Dipartimento di...

Daniele Zuddas (Bayreuth). Aula Beltrami – Martedì 26 Marzo h.16:00. Abstract. Calabi ed Eckmann dimostrarono che lo spazio Euclideo R^n ammette ...
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