Danny Griffiths Person-Info 

( Ich bin Danny Griffiths)


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Lost surfboard turns up 1,700 miles from home | CNN Travel

· Danny Griffiths bailed on a wave at Pedra Branca in March and his board was nowhere to be seen when he resurfaced, he told CNN on ...

Frau mit Down-Syndrom (21) bekommt Heiratsantrag – ihre Reaktion ist...

Wahre Liebe kennt keine Grenzen – das beweisen auch Ashley Greenhalgh und Danny Griffiths aus New Jersey. Beide leiden seit ihrer Geburt am Down-Syndrom

Australian man's lost surfboard found 16 months later, 1,700 miles...

An Australian man who lost his surfboard while catching a big wave discovered the board had been found 16 months later when it was spotted drifting nearly...

Ludlow Food Festival set to be 'flaming good as it returns to town's ...www.shropshirestar.com › attractions ›

vor 4 Tagen · Ludlow Food Festival is returning to Ludlow Castle. Photo: Danny Griffiths. And this year popular local chefs Andy Link, from the Riverside ...
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Vorname "Danny" (10424)
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