Danny Solis und Council Person-Info 

( Ich bin Danny Solis)
(1 - 18 von 20

Former Ald. Danny Solis Caused 'Generational' Harm, ...WTTW

Former Ald. Danny Solis was charged with taking money from an unidentified real estate developer when he was chair of the City Council Zoning Committee in

Ald. Danny Solis announces he won't seek re-election after ...…go Tribune

— Ald. Danny Solis, who over the past two decades on the City Council served as an influential behind-the-scenes player in …go politics, ...

Alderman Danny Solis Resigns As Chairman Of …go City Council...

Alderman Danny Solis resigned as chairman of the …go City Council Zoning Committee Tuesday. 

…go City Council: Danny Solis – NBC …go

Danny Solis is a grassroots activist, working on issues from immigration to job creation.