Darius Padler und Bristan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Darius Padler)
(1 - 15 von 18

CEO of Bristan Group Jeremy Ling steps down - K&B News

Darius Padler, vice president for Europe at parent company Masco Group, will take the reins as acting CEO while a replacement is found. During his time as CEO, ... › ce...

Bristan Group names Martin Mongan as CEO - Kitchens and ...www.kandbnews.co.uk › News

· ... will return to the bathroom industry as head of the Bristan Group in February He succeeds former CEO Darius Padler who will leave the ...

Bristan Group CEO steps down after nine years - kbbreviewwww.kbbreview.com › news › bristan-group-ceo-ste...

· While a replacement is being found, Darius Padler, vice-president for Europe at parent company Masco Group, will be acting chief executive.

Bristan Group welcomes Martin Mongan as new CEO

— He takes over at Bristan from former CEO Darius Padler who is set to leave the business at the end of this year, while the group's CFO Ken Ellis ... › news ›