Darius Padler und Ceo Person-Info 

( Ich bin Darius Padler)
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Hüppe-Gruppe: Neue Leitung - SHK Profi

Darius Padler bleibt Group Vice President Masco Corporation Die Position des Group Vice President Masco Corporation hatte er zusätzlich zu seiner Arbeit als CEO bei Hüppe bereits übernommen. Seither fiel ihm eine rasant wachsende Anzahl von Aufgaben innerhalb des Masco Managements zu. In einer internen Mitteilung erklärte er deshalb ...

CEO of Bristan Group Jeremy Ling steps down - K&B News

Darius Padler, vice president for Europe at parent company Masco Group, will take the reins as acting CEO while a replacement is found. During his time as CEO, ... › ce...

Bristan Group names Martin Mongan as CEO - Kitchens and ...www.kandbnews.co.uk › News

· ... will return to the bathroom industry as head of the Bristan Group in February He succeeds former CEO Darius Padler who will leave the ...


Wayne Devine, has announced his decision to step down after 28 years as CEO of the Masco UK Window Group. Darius Padler, Masco Group vice president, ...