Darko Saric und Balkan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Darko Saric)
(1 - 13 von 37

Balkans' most wanted suspected drug lord, Darko Saric, arrested | Fox...

· The Serbian government said Darko Saric was captured, but did not say when or where. Serbian state TV said that he was arrested Tuesday in a ...

Serbia nets alleged Balkan drug boss with help from CIA | Reuters

Alleged Balkan drug boss Darko Saric, one of the most wanted figures in the crime-riddled region, surrendered to Serbian police on Tuesday as a dragnet...

Balkan’s most wanted drug lord arrested | News | Al Jazeera

· Darko Saric gave himself up to Serbian police after an operation involving the CIA in South America.
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Person "Saric" (2)
Vorname "Darko" (1617)
Name "Saric" (428)