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Google News: La millonaria caza de talentos en Silicon Valley

[Lanacion.com (Argentina)] - "No es a lo que apuntamos como inversores", dijo Dave McClure, quien es el fundador de 500 Startups, un fondo de capital de riesgo. "Estamos tratando de construir negocios grandes y duraderos". No obstante, McClure y otros inversores afirmaron que una

What rules acquisition deals in Silicon Valley

[Times of India] - "It is not what we are aiming for as investors," said Dave McClure, founder of 500 Startups, a venture fund. "We are trying to build large, lasting businesses." Still, McClure and other investors said a talent acquisition that offers a modest payoff is

Beyond the Business Model Canvas

[Innovation Investment Journal] - As entrepreneurial gadfly Dave McClure points out, the kind of experience that will best motivate a potential customer to want something, is a problem that's driving them out of their minds with frustration, or one that just seriously scares them (eg

Funding roundup - week ending

[VatorNews] - Local Q&A site Hipster raised $1 million in seed funding from several angel investors: Mitch Kapor, Dave McClure/500 Startups, Lightbank, Google Ventures, Charles River Ventures, Max Ventilla, TechStars David Cohen and David Tisch, Google's Don Dodge
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