Dave Thelen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dave Thelen)


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Looking back at Ottawa's top six CFL playoff games | Ottawa Sun

· Running back Dave Thelen noticed split end Bobby Simpson was on the field, but still near the sideline after blocking on a short run by Joe ...

The search for Adji entering a new venue -- the Internet

· 'This is not standard for law enforcement to reach out to the community like this,' said Dave Thelen, who has been helping parents find ...

Dave Thelen: : Faculty + Staff: Department of History: Indiana...

No photo available. Dave Thelen. Emeritus Professor, Department of History. You've selected a chunk type that doesn't exist.

Emeriti Faculty: Faculty + Staff: Department of History: Indiana...

Emerita Professor, Department of History;. . No photo available. Dave Thelen. Emeritus Professor, Department ...
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