David Bainbridge Person-Info 

( Ich bin David Bainbridge)


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Spiegel.de: 40- und 50-Jährige: David Bainbridges Wir Middleager - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Zu junge Geliebte, zu schnelle Autos. Menschen in der Midlife-Crisis sind angeblich vor keiner Peinlichkeit gefeit. Stimmt nicht, behauptet David Bainbridge:...

A well-rounded argument on fat, form and fertility | London Evening...

Curvology: The Origins & Power of Female Body Shape by David Bainbridge (Portobello, £14.99)

Guardian: Curvology by David Bainbridge review – the female body, dissected and...

A study that sets out to identify the factors that influence eating disorders, body image and clothing choices collapses in a welter of contradictions

Middle Age: A Natural History by David Bainbridge: review

Middle age is not a shabby version of being young – it’s a desirable state, finds William Leith as he reviews David Bainbridge's new book.
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