David C. Dorward und Edmonton-Gold Bar Person-Info 

( Ich bin David C. Dorward)
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Élections Alberta | Radio-Canada.ca

David C Dorward, EDMONTON-GOLD BAR, Élu, Parti progressiste-conservateur. Wayne Drysdale, GRANDE PRAIRIE-WAPITI, Élu, Parti progressiste- ...

Edmonton-Gold Bar | CBC News

· Progressive Conservative candidate David Dorward came in second to Stephen Mandel in the Edmonton mayoral race. Marlin Schmidt is running ...

Alberta election: NDP pushing to win former Liberal stronghold Gold...

NDP candidate Marlin Schmidt came within 865 votes of winning Edmonton-Gold Bar in the election. This time, he hopes to unseat Tory David Dorward.

Edmonton-Gold Bar - Alberta Votes CBC News

albertavotes riding-035
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu David C. Dorward
Vorname "David" (65431)
Name "Dorward" (11)