David Collyer Person-Info 

( Ich bin David Collyer)


(1 - 4 von 35

Kelly McParland: The surge in rail accidents shifts Keystone debate...

If oil shipments are to be curtailed in both rail and pipelines, the alternative would be a shut-down of both the U.S. and Canadian oil industries, even...

Oilsands a hacker target: RCMP - Winnipeg Free Press

OTTAWA -- Canadian security agencies have warned energy companies such as Imperial Oil their compute...

Doreen Collyer: Perth shark death woman had emigrated from UK - BBC...

A grandmother who died in a shark attack off the Australian coast had emigrated from the UK five years ago, it emerges.

Husband's tribute to 'loving wife' after shark attack - News

Husband of shark attack victim thanks those who tried to save her it was the helicopters hovering above that gave David Collyer a hint that something “Having obtained an impressive record of senior clinical and lecturing ...
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