David Gaus und Ecuador Person-Info 

( Ich bin David Gaus)
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Ecuador earthquake puts Wisconsin doctor's hospitals on front lines

Hospitals founded by Madison doctor David Gaus’ Andean Health & Development are at the edge of areas hardest hit by a magnitude 7.8 earthquake in Ecuador.

Journal Sentinel

— David Gaus. Megan Beck was alone in a work room at her hospital in Santo Domingo, Ecuador, when the walls began to move. › story › news ›

High-quality health services for rural Ecuador: Training family doctorsbidlab.org › news › high-quality-health-services-rur...

· In December 2010, I first made contact with Dr. David Gaus, who had recently been named “Regional Social Entrepreneur of the Year for Latin ...

Notre Dame alumni making a difference - ABC57 Newswww.abc57.com › news › notre-dame-alumni-maki...

· Dr. David Gaus helped open Hesburgh Hospital, a nonprofit that provides healthcare to the poor in Ecuador. Since the year 2000, ...