David Gulden Person-Info 

( Ich bin David Gulden)


(1 - 4 von 12

Gallery: 20 years of photographing in Africa | CNN Travel

David Gulden: I try to make my photos a bit gritty, a bit raw. I don't wish to over dramatize my subjects and I wish to avoid sentimentality. There's ...

House fire proves fatal to New Ulm couple | Star Tribunewww.startribune.com › house-fire-...

David Gulden was a retired New Ulm police officer who was with the department from to The couple had six children from previous ...

In pictures: Stunning photographs of African wildlife by David Gulden

Stunning photographs of wild Africa from the book The Centre Cannot Hold by David Gulden.

David Gulden: Like humans, animals can be very boring | The...

The photographer shares his secrets from the wild
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Peter Beard
Vorname "David" (65431)
Name "Gulden" (329)
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