David Haigh und Dubai Person-Info 

( Ich bin David Haigh)
(1 - 17 von 45

David Haigh: my nightmare in Dubai | The Times

One moment David Haigh was in first class on an Emirates flight, enjoying the best Gulf hospitality. “Twelve hours later I was being beaten ...

Ex-Leeds United managing director 'beaten' in Dubai jail - BBC News

The former managing director of Leeds United, David Haigh, says he was mistreated and beaten while in prison for fraud in Dubai.

Guardian: David Haigh ‘hit and tasered’ in Dubai prison – video | World news |...

Former Leeds United chief David Haigh says he was mistreated and beaten while in prison for fraud in Dubai

Former managing director of Leeds United, David Haigh, says he was...

▶ 0:30 '​B​eaten' in Dubai jail. Mancanti: börßum
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