David Kassler Person-Info 

( Ich bin David Kassler)


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Manchester Arena sponsors Phones 4u enter administration - Manchester...

Phones 4 U announced it would be closing all its stores tomorrow while it waited for administrators to make a final decision on the company’s future

Fall guy at EMI - New York Postnypost.com › › fall-guy-at-emi

· “Three executives — Ronn Werre, David Kassler, and Ernesto Schmitt — along with CFO Shane Naughton, are responsible for putting the business ...

Business in 2014: BBC's most-read stories of the year - BBC News

We take a look at the BBC's most-read business stories over the last 12 months to see which topics most grabbed our readers.

Phones 4u administration: networks accused of ‘ruthlessness’ –...

Vodafone and EE are criticised for the
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