David Leis Person-Info 

( Ich bin David Leis)


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Dark times at Red River College - Winnipeg Free Press

The trail of firings that marked Stephanie Forsyth's reign at Red River College underscores not only...

Announcements - December — University Affairs

David Leis stepped into the role of director of advancement at the University of the Fraser Valley on Oct Prior to joining UFV, Mr. Leis was ...

Exploring ‘flourishing congregations’ in secular society | Canadian...

Key factors surrounding flourishing congregations in Canada, and how congregations can thrive and grow in an age of diminishing importance of the church in...

Neue Baustoff-Recyclinganlage der Firma EBRD - Bretten

Dann einer neuen Baustoff-Recyclinganlage der Brettener Firma EBRD wird die Verwertung von Baustoffen noch effektiver. Bretten.
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