David McKay und Company Person-Info 

( Ich bin David McKay)
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David McKay at London 2019devopsdays

David McKay. David is a Developer Advocate for InfluxData, the company behind InfluxDB. As a serial user group organiser, Cloud Native advocate, ...

David McKay to retire from USAIG next year | Corporate Jet Investor

David McKay, chairman and CEO of United States Aircraft Insurance Group (USAIG, plans to retire after nearly 40 years with the company.

CEO Succession at U.S. Aviation Underwriters: Brogan to Succeed McKay...

United States Aviation Underwriter Inc. (USAU), the manager of the United States Aircraft Insurance Group (USAIG), announced that David McKay, chairman and chief executive officer, plans to retire after nearly 40 years with the company. McKay's retirement will be effective April 3, At that time, John ...