David Mifsud Person-Info 

( Ich bin David Mifsud)


(1 - 4 von 19

Windsor man charged with smuggling 51 turtles in his sweatpants |...

He was likely hoping to sell them — David Mifsud, a Michigan herpetologist, said some species are valued as pets in Southeast Asia and can ...

12 rare turtles with names like ‘Thor’ and ‘Taco’ released into...

The Blanding’s Turtle is listed as a species of special concern and is protected by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources

One moment, please...

Among those, Dr David Mifsud (Institute of Earth System, University of Malta), has discovered a new species. Mifsud's love for insects began at an ...

Windsor man charged with smuggling 51 turtles in his sweatpants |...

Man faces charges in a U.S. federal court for trying to bring 51 live turtles across the Detroit-Windsor border
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Vorname "David" (65431)
Name "Mifsud" (60)
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