David Schmieg Person-Info 

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'Passion Play' wraps up 40 years of shows next week (copy)Southwest News Media

— The “Passion Play” centers around various stages in the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus, said David Schmieg, who works on ...

Shane Allen Beebe, 28, Fort MadisonPenCityCurrent.com

— He was preceded in death by his great grandfather, David Schmieg. His family will greet friends and celebrate his life from 3: :00 pm ...

Telephone charges creep up Long-distance rates rising ...Baltimore Sun

— ... also point out that there were decreases in certain product prices," said David Schmieg, president of consumer services for US Sprint.

Sprint mène une stratégie ambitieuse mais coûteuse - Les Echoswww.lesechos.fr › › 12

· ... apporte aussi bien du téléphone que des données ou des loisirs comme la télévision », explique David Schmieg, vice-président de Sprint.
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