David Willcocks und King's College Person-Info 

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Guardian: Sir David Willcocks obituary | Choral music | The Guardian

· David Willcocks’ arrangement of The Sus… Carol, sung in the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols at King’s College Chapel. He had succeeded Reginald Jacques as conductor of the Bach ...

Conductor and organist Sir David Willcocks has died | gramophone.co.uk

Sir David Willcocks, one of the most respected and loved figures of British 20th century choral life, has died, aged 95. Born in Newquay, Cornwall, Willcocks was a chorister at Westminster Abbey, music scholar at Clifton College, Bristol, and organ scholar at King's College, Cambridge - the establishment ...

David Willcocks, Choirmaster Who Shaped British Choral Music, Dies at...

In 17 years as director of music at King's College, Cambridge, and 38 years in charge of the Bach Choir, ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu David Willcocks
John Rutter
Vorname "David" (65431)
Name "Willcocks" (15)