Davis Chiramel und Hindu Person-Info 

( Ich bin Davis Chiramel)
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Ein indischer Priester hat das Priesterjahr als einen Aufruf verstanden, um zur Rettung eines Hindus, den er nicht kennt, seine Niere zu spenden

An Organ of Mercy: Indian Bishop Donates Kidney to Young Hindu Man|...

Bishop Jacob Muricken donated his kidney June 1, as an ‘act of mercy in the Year of Mercy.’

Catholic priest donates kidney to save Hindu man - AsiaNews

— New Delhi (AsiaNews) – Fr Davis Chiramel, a 49-year-old Catholic priest from Kerala, donated one of his kidneys to a complete stranger. › news-en

Kerala Bishop Donates Kidney to Ailing Hindu Man

The recipient is Sooraj Sudhakaran, the sole breadwinner of his family, who is suffering from kidney failure.