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Erster Trailer zu Danny Boyles Film noir Trance
[MOVIEPILOT NEWS] - Allerspätestens seit Slumdog Millionär ist der Oscar-prämierte Regisseur Danny Boyle auch für die breite Masse alles andere als unbekannt, wobei seine Filmographie nur so vor gefeierten Filmen strotzt, von Trainspotting – Neue Helden über 28 Days Later

UN may deploy drones in Congo
[Deutsche Welle] - Although they retreated 11 days later, the episode made the UN's current peacekeeping force there look ineffective. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is expected to recommend new ways to improve the UN presence in the Democratic Republic of Congo in

Google News: Olympus Champions Winter – Round of 8 Recap

[SK Gaming] - Azubu Blaze played two days later and had a similar, yet pretty different experience in their match. They were the ones that lost the first two games against KR LG-Incredible Miracle and had to quickly find their A game for the next maps. Luckily for

Foals in Dubai on a Bundesliga mission - Bundesliga
[official website] Bundesliga flag in Dubai over the coming week at a training camp culminating in games against Hamburger SV at the "7he Sevens" Stadium on Wednesday, 9 January (kick-off 16:00 CET) and Eintracht Frankfurt at the same time and venue two days later.
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