Dennis Krake Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dennis Krake)


Tongala remembers fallen Vietnam veterans | Riverine Herald
VETERANS from around Australia gathered in Tongala on Thursday to honour members of the 3rd Cavalry Regiment who fought and died in the Vietnam War.

Tongala remembers Vietnam fallenRiverine Herald
— Honring the fallen: Veteran Dennis Krake paying his respect to the fallen members of the 3rd Cavalry Regiment at a recent ceremony. Photo by — Honring the fallen: Veteran Dennis Krake paying his respect to the fallen members of the 3rd Cavalry Regiment at a recent ceremony. Photo by ...

Honouring those lost at war - › australia › shepparton-news
· Veteran Dennis Krake, who served as a crew commander in 1969, travelled from Melbourne to attend the service. ''We virtually come from all ...
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