Derek Barthel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Derek Barthel)


(1 - 4 von 17

Illinois lawmaker pooped on by pigeon during TV interview — about...
— ... funny at all when you have pets at home and you have to keep your shoes away from them,” CTA rider Derek Barthel told the news outlet. ›

Illinois lawmaker pooped on by pigeon while discussing problem of...
— One CTA rider, Derek Barthel, told WBBM that after the news station reported on the problem over the summer, the station was washed, ... › politics

Pigeon poops on politician during TV interview about pigeon poop...
A pigeon pooped on Democratic Illinoise state Representative Jaime Andrade as he discussed a pigeon poop problem at a …go train station.

Filmreifes Spenden-Tuning für Unfallopferhilfe, subvenio e. V.,...
subvenio e. V., Die frisch gegründete Unfallopfer-Lobby subvenio e.V. erfährt eine PS-starke Starthilfe: Derek Barthel, Anhänger und Ins…
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