Dermot Mark Halpin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dermot Mark Halpin)


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Wartezeiten vorab vermeiden: Cleveres Sightseeing mit Online-Tickets...
Schlange stehen für den Berliner Fernsehturm oder den Mailänder Dom kann viel Zeit kosten. Das nervt vor allem, wenn man nur kurz in einer Stadt ist. Doch...

TripAdvisor will no longer sell tickets to sites that breed whales and › tripadvisor-whales-dolphins-trnd
· ... for the needs of the current captive population," TripAdvisor' President of Experiences and Rentals Dermot Halpin said in a statement.

BRIEF-TripAdvisor announces leadership transition for attractions...
* TripAdvisor announces leadership transition for attractions business as Barrie Seidenberg resigns following 11 years of innovation as CEO at Viator

Guardian: Why the Germans get the best sunbeds | UK news | The Guardian

British tourists are officially the worst-behaved, least adventurous and most linguistically incompetent holidaymakers in the world, according to survey.
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