Deso Dogg und German Person-Info 

( Ich bin Deso Dogg)
(1 - 28 von 87
) Conflict with Far-Right Party Young German Muslims Defend Right to Protest

[Spiegel Online] - The former Berlin rapper Deso Dogg, a convert to Islam whose real name is Denis Cuspert, even penned a fighting poem about "the honor of lions." He wrote to his supporters: "Anyone who is even thinking of not attending should fear Allah.

Statul Islamic a rămas fără Deso Dogg. Rapperul german a fost ucis...
Denis Cuspert, un rapper german devenit luptator al Statului Islamic, care s-a casatorit cu in cu o traducatoare a FBI, a fost ucis, miercuri, in timpul...

Deso Dogg, the rapper who cheated death, humiliated the Pentagon and...
A B-list German rapper who found stardom when he joined ISIS, cheated death and embarrassed the Pentagon topped himself when he got the girl – an FBI...

Analysis - Islamist videos, populists stir German worries - Reuters
German-language Islamist propaganda is fuelling militancy among a small number of socially-alienated Muslim youths in Germany, say security experts, who worry...