Diana Motz und Fourth Circuit Person-Info 

( Ich bin Diana Motz)
(1 - 22 von 27

Fourth Circuit Dismisses Health Reform Challenges as Premature |...

The legal battle over President Obama's health care overhaul has been a messy affair. With two prior rulings at the appellate level, one upholding the...

Fourth Circuit Judge Diana Gribbon Motz visits Duke Law | Duke...

Diana Gribbon Motz, Circuit Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit spoke with students at Duke Law School on Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 2:45 p.m....

Ben Wiles (’11) argues in Fourth Circuit as part of Appellate...

The panel that heard oral argument included Judge Diana Motz, Judge Andre Davis, and Judge Barbara Keenan. The judges posed numerous ...

Appeals Court Panel Dismisses Virginia Obamacare Lawsuit |...

A three-judge panel of the Fourth Circuit Appeals Court today dismissed the lawsuit the state of Virginia filed against the Obamacare law, which is one of
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