Dieter Potsch und Volkswagen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dieter Potsch)
(1 - 29 von 64

‘Tolerance for breaking the rules’ led to scandal, Volkswagen says |...
Preliminary findings confirmed suspicion that the VW diesel-cheating scandal occurred because the company’s ambitions in the U.S. collided with air-quality...

Volkswagen Chairman Hans Dieter Potsch being investigated in Germany...
The investigation of Volkswagen's diesel scandal widened to chairman, Hans Dieter Potsch, while he was chief financial officer for

VW CFO set to become new chairman | Chattanooga Times Free Press
Volkswagen's finance chief Hans Dieter Potsch is slated to become the new company chairman, the German automaker said today.

Eksportowy hit z Wrześni - Motoryzacja -
Volkswagen, drugi po Toyocie największy koncern motoryzacyjny świata, planuje przegonić rywala i umocnić się na prowadzeniu. W tym planie ważną rolę odgrywa...