Dietmar Schirmer und Norbert Person-Info 

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Events – GHI Washington
... A Comparative Perspective on the Conditions of Intolerance. June , Conference at the GHI. Conveners: Norbert Finzsch, GHI; Dietmar Schirmer, ...

Identity and intolerance nationalism racism and xenophobia germany...
Editors: Norbert Finzsch, Universität Hamburg; Dietmar Schirmer, Cornell University, New York. Dietz Bering, Eileen Boris, W. Fitzhugh Brundage, Carl N. Degler ...

Event – GHI Washington
· Conference at the GHI | Conveners: Norbert Finzsch, GHI; Dietmar Schirmer, GHI. Participants: Dietz Bering, University of Cologne; ...