Dilawar Khan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dilawar Khan)


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Taz: meldungen - taz.de

Dilawar Khan Wazir, Reporter beim Urdu-sprachigen Dienst der BBC in Pakistan, ist unter ungeklärten Umständen in Pakistan verschwunden.

Dilawar Khan’s mosque in Mandu | Times of India Travel

Dilawar Khan’s mosque Mandu. Built by Dilawar Khan in AD, this mosque is one of the earliest Islamic structures in Mandu. It dates back to an era when the...

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Fears for BBC Pakistan reporter

A BBC journalist who reports from Pakistan's tribal region goes missing amid fears for his safety.

News stories for Dilawar Khan Wazir - DAWN.COM

blames 'corrupt' leaders for supporting such elements in a bid to ...
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