Dimitris Lekkas Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dimitris Lekkas)


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WHO IS WHO IN ATHENS STOCK EXCHANGE - (Newspaper about Greek...

Our purpose, building this site, is to develop a gallery of news information on Southeastern Europe area starting from Balkans Peninsula and Hellenic...

COO for Marine Traffic: ITJ | Transport Journalwww.transportjournal.com › news

He will report to founding partners Dimitris Lekkas, Dimitris Memos and Argyris Stasinakis. Psaltopoulos' career spans working on three ...

A musical journey to success | Life | ekathimerini.com

With an extensive and impressive resume that goes back to the 1980s, Dimitris Papadimitriou has done much to be proud of: The...

Google zeros in on nuclear waste ship | Illawarra Mercury ...www.illawarramercury.com.au › g...

Dimitris Lekkas, from the Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering at the University of the Aegean in Greece, said the location ...
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