Dinesh Dhamija und Founder Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dinesh Dhamija)
(1 - 24 von 27

Ebookers founder Dinesh Dhamija bids to be Liberal Democrat Mayor |...

Multi-millionaire businessman Dinesh Dhamija has officially thrown his hat into the ring to be the next Mayor of London as a Liberal Democrat.

Imperial Business Insights with Dinesh Dhamija | Events | Imperial ...www.imperial.ac.uk › events › imperial-business-ins...

Our first talk sees travel industry veteran Dinesh Dhamija discuss his long career as an entrepreneur. Dinesh was the Founder, Chairman and CEO of Ebookers.com, ...

High Court rejects challenge to Lib Dem MEP selection - Matrix...

· Dinesh Dhamija, founder of Ebookers.com, sought to challenge the decision of the Liberal Democrats to disapply positive measures to promote ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Dinesh Dhamija
Vorname "Dinesh" (432)
Name "Dhamija" (20)