Dizzee Rascal Person-Info 

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Google News: Sound of Rum 'Balance' (Album Review)

[Stereoboard.com] - While the likes of Dizzee Rascal and other so-called leaders of British hip-hop are trading in their streetwise, socially-conscious lyrics for songs about dancefloors, discos and holidays, it's refreshing to discover a new act that still manages to

Back to black, Amy Winehouse

[Obiwi] - En juillet 2007, l'album était en lice pour le Mercury Music Prize, avec les albums des groupes Klaxons (les gagnants), Dizzee Rascal, et Arctic Monkeys. Le précédent album d'Amy Winehouse, Frank, était déjà en lice pour le même prix en

Blog: Doctor Who - The Curse Of The Black Spot

[Holy Moly!] - Now we must go to the troubled seas where – much like Dizzee Rascal – we can hear the siren coming. "A green singing shark in an evening gown." Walking the plank, “harr de harr” laughter, Pirate Pond and a mmm-monster!: yes, it's Scooby Doo week on

Eventi | Barcellona Sonar 2011: il Festival della Musica Elettronica

[ViaggiNews.com] - Saranno circa 300 gli ospiti dell'edizione 2011, tra cui gli Underworld, la songwriter inglese MIA, Aphex Twin e Dizzee Rascal. Da non perdete l'inaugurazione all'Auditori di Barcellona dove sarà eseguita Music for 18 musicians di Steve Reich.
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