Dog Aged Person-Info 

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Give a dog a home - Older pooches in Shrewsbury in need of a family |...
Although the saying is you can't teach an old dog new tricks, they are certainly still a man's best friend, especially these pooches in need of a new home here...

John Bishop mourns death of beloved pet dog aged 15Yahoo
— John Bishop mourns death of beloved pet dog aged John Bishop has paid tribute to his beloved "friend" Bilko, his family pet dog who has ...

World’s ‘oldest dog’ aged 30 dies in Australia | Oceania – Gulf News
Maggie’s age cannot be verified as McLaren lost the dog’s paperwork when she was a puppy

Britain's oldest dog aged 26 still gets mistaken for a puppy
Yorkshire terrier called Jack in dog years - is so full of energy that people in Hartlepool, County Durham, often think he is much younger
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