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Study: Egg donors remain fertile after procedure | Fox › health › study-egg-donors-rem...
· We were not surprised by the good reproductive outcomes in ex-egg donors," Dr. Dominic Stoop, medical director at the Center for ...

Eierstokken invriezen om vruchtbaarheidsproblemen te voorkomen | Het...
Steeds meer vrouwen beginnen pas na hun 35ste aan kinderen. Professor Dominic Stoop van het UZ Brussel pleit daarom voor een controversiële procedure. Om...

Women who freeze their eggs wished they'd done it earlier: › women-freeze-eggs-wished-th...
· ... younger age," said head researcher Dr Dominic Stoop "This makes sense, because the younger the eggs, the better the chance of pregnancy.

Egg donors remain fertile after procedure: study | Reuters
Donating eggs does not appear to hurt a woman's chances of becoming pregnant in the years after the procedure, a small study from Belgium found.
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