Dominic Watt Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dominic Watt)


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Migrants and machines are killing off Queen’s English | News | The...
Dominic Watt, of the University of York and author of the report, said that age is more important than class in driving the change. He said: “The ...

Swerk, rouzy-bouzy and other strange words 'lost' from the English...
Dominic Watt, senior linguistics lecturer at the University of York, and his team spent three months digging through dictionaries and books to ...

How has Calvin Harris kept his accent? - BBC News
Why do some people change the way they speak soon after they leave their home town and others do not?

York researchers claim Queen's English to be WIPED OUT from London...
QUEEN'S English is being wiped out from London due to the high levels of immigration over the past 50 years.
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