Dominik Feiden und Co-Founder Person-Info 

( Ich bin Dominik Feiden)
(1 - 30 von 37

The EBZ Group forms a partnership with OrganifarmsEBZ Gruppe
... Dominik Feiden, CEO and co-founder of Organifarms. “EBZ is a global player and, together with them, we can tap into new markets and bring our production up Dominik Feiden, CEO and co-founder of Organifarms. “EBZ is a global player and, together with them, we can tap into new markets and bring our production up ...

Success Stories Growth Alliance AgriFood Startup BootcampTechQuartier
To meet their customers needs, they adjust their technology to the crop types and functions they require. Dominik Feiden (CEO and Co-Founder) and Hannah ... To meet their customers needs, they adjust their technology to the crop types and functions they require. Dominik Feiden (CEO and Co-Founder) and Hannah ...

BW agrar online - Landwirtschaft, Landleben, Garten, › aktuelles › unternehmen
Auf dem Foto zu sehen sind von links nach rechts: Dominik Feiden (CEO und Co-Founder, Organifarms), Nikola Steinbock (Bereichsvorständin, Rentenbank), Hannah ...